Regional Board Meeting

1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC

"That the Regional Board defer consideration of the report titled "NCLGA Membership 2024, ADM-BRD-069" to the October 5, 2023 Board Meeting."

"That the Regional Board defer the report titled "Development Variance Permit No. 23-005, DS-BRD-338", to increase the maximum permitted accessory building floor area from 232 m² to 669 m² (a difference of ± 437 m²) to construct an additional accessory building, on the subject property identified as PID: 013-551-841, to the October 5, 2023 Board Meeting."

"That the Regional Board defer the report titled "Growing Communities Fund Allocation Opportunities, FN-BRD-225" to the October 5, 2023 Board Meeting."

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